Test driven development is for many programmers a well-known concept. Tests are written, and procedures are implemented trying to satisfy the tests providing in a little green mark. When the green mark is not easily obtainable, divide and conquer is applied with more and easier tests. In this article, I try to decompose the process of testing to that of specifying and verifying. I relate this notion to places where verification are mathematically used to bind a specification and an implementation.
In the software development community, it has become obvious that software has to be tested. The reasons are in plural: Keeping a maintainable codebase, assurance of software correctness, up-to-date documentation, continuous somethingcstar, etc.
For me, the two most important reasons to do software testing are the following:
- Forced reasoning: To be able to express a specification, knowledge about the problem and the problem domain has to be understood.
- Correctness assurance: Proper tests are an assurance that specifications are met. This, among other things, allows for continuous integration which is crucial in projects needing to be flexible.
Testing as verifying a specification
In the above I did a slight transition from using the term testing to use the terms specifying and verifying. Decomposing the testing process quickly shows that it consists of two components. First a specification is formulated, which is later verified against the actual implementation.
This split is necessary to be able to talk about the process in a broader term. Within proven software, specifications are mathematically proven to be implemented in a correct manner, hence the term testing is too vague (at least in my consciousness) as we do not necessarily test a finite set of the input for a given procedure.
The premises
Implicitly, and now explicitly, I advocate testing. My opinion is that testing should take up as many resources as implementing. Of course, this opinion is not strict, and many conditions are in play when deciding the number of resources spent on verifying code. I trust the reader in knowing when to test. At least, it is not the main aim for this article.
I have drawn examples from two worlds: One from the engineering world represented by examples in Java. The other one is Coqcoq. Coq is a theorem prover performing formal proof verification. That means that we can be sure what is expressed also holds.
Three Pillars
The premise for the article is now set, and the three pillars can be introduced. I will allow to start with the specification. Intuitively it might seem more obvious to start with implementation as it is the most commonly thought of part of the programming process. But for being able to start implementing, a specification of some form must be present, implicitly or explicitly.
After the specification, the implementation is introduced and at least they are bound using the verification.
Specifications ranges from the informal human readable text string used to specify the name of a test function in a given test suite, to a formal definition. No matter by which means the specifications is expressed, the process of writing it is still very important. It forces reasoning about the application.
import org.junit.*; public class TestAddition { @Test public void testThatAddAdds(){ //[...] }}
The above is an example drawn from Java, where a method is named to specify what we are going to test. The function name is here seen as the specification for what we are going to verify. It is given that the specification is informally defined.
Definition specification_of_addition (f: nat -> nat -> nat) := (forall b : nat, f 0 b = b) /\ (forall a b : nat, f (S a) b = f a (S b)).
This example of a specification is, on the other hand, thoroughly expressed in a specific syntax.
It should be noted that there is a difference on the two examples. The first one is addition in Java's type system, integers with a given precision. In Coq, we show that it holds for all natural numbers.
The implementation is, usually, the well-known part. Following is a suggestion for some code that implements their specification. So far, though, you only have my word that what I have expressed is also what is implemented.
public class Addition { public int add(int a, int b){ return a + b; }}
The Java example should come as no surprise.
Fixpoint add a b : nat := match a with | 0 => b | S a' => add a' (S b) end.
The implementation in Coq is on the other hand not as straight forward. Two type constructors are given: $S : nat \rightarrow nat$ and $O : nat$ (which have the alias 0). The addition is here build on top of this.
For the last part, we have the verification. Here we bind the implementation to the specification.
public class TestAddition { @Test public void testThatAddAdds(){ //Assignment Addition adder = new Addition(); //Action int shouldBe5 = adder.add(2, 3), shouldBe7 = adder.add(-2, 9), shouldBe5 = adder.add(8, -3), shouldBeMinus7 = adder.add(-4, -3); //Assert assertEquals(shouldBe5, 5); assertEquals(shouldBe7, 7); assertEquals(shouldBe5, 5); assertEquals(shouldBeMinus7, -7); }}
For the Java, you still have to accept that you only have my word for correctness regarding the specification. As the specification is completely informal, the assertions is a product of my interpretation of the specification and programming skills.
Lemma add_satisfies_specification_of_addition : specification_of_addition add.Proof. unfold specification_of_addition. split. intro b. unfold add. reflexivity. intros a b. induction a as [|a' IHa']. unfold add. reflexivity. unfold add. fold add. reflexivity.Qed.
For Coq, on the other hand, the specification are read by the theorem prover. Here I provide a certificate that binds the specification to the implementation. Coq afterwards verifies that this certificate is valid.
This is one way of relating the testing process to the process of building formally verified software. Testing should be applied in both cases, as specifications need to be verified. This is a tool for humans to verify semantic preservation when communicating their thoughts to a computer, hence the KISS principlekiss applies; It is, after all, simpler to invoke a function with a given input and provide the expected result than formulating a formal specification.
Further Reading
My offset in this article was a basic approach to testing using Java and formal verification using Coq. That said, all mainstream languages have their own means of testing. For formal verification other tools exist. This is evident from the existing project, e.g. the seL4 microkernel does not use Coq for the verification part.
Resources for formal verification using Coq are plenty. Some good ones are Software Foundationssoftfound and Certified Programming with Dependent Typescpdt.
There are also some interesting projects using the formal verification on very real problems. The CompCertcompcert certified compiler is a formally proven compiler for C.
In a bigger perspective, the seL4sel4 is a formally proven microkernel.
Why are these necessary? one might ask. We have the GNU compiler and Linux. They are both stable and performs quite well? The thing is that some applications can't afford that a bug is not found until running that very specific instance of code.
Even though it might seem kind of magic that we can formally verify a piece of software, we still have to remember what we verify. We do not verify that the software does what it is supposed to do. We verify that the software does what we have specified in the specification.
By this, I emphasise the importance of doing simple and easily understandable testing, were one can easily verify that the output is correct. I encourage people to play with their software and try to break it. After all, they could have expressed the specification wrong.
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Benjamin C. Pierce et al., Software Foundations
↩Adam Chlipala, Certified Programming with Dependent Types
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↩Integration, delivery, deployment, etc.