This page contains the projects and examples I have been doing.
Larger Projects:
- Working on exploratory research. The goal is to develop state of the art techniques and tools to understand what data tells us about the real world. (Website Link)
- Masters of Science in Computer Science: My academic background is that of a computer scientist specializing in semantics for programming languages.
- Lambda Interpreter: A lambda calculus interpreter written in Haskell. Nothing seriously, purely educational. It is idiomatically written using Haskell Stack and implements a test suite. (GitHub Link)
- Scalable ML Service: An implementation of a system to carry out translations. This includes the entire stack. Implemented as an education vehicle to explorer scalable architectures. (GitHub Link)
- 100 Days of Fibonacci: A project to explorer aspects of thought and programming. The ambition is to hit the 100 days eventually.
This blog: General writings. I am in particular proud of following pieces: